Welcome to Bradford’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

What is the JSNA?

The Bradford District Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) provides information on the current and health and wellbeing needs of people in Bradford District and acts as a ‘’living document’’, meaning that updates and new contributions can be made at any time. 

How to use the JSNA?

The JSNA is split into a number of sections which contain useful reports, resources, needs assessments and intelligence which can be used in a variety of ways, including supporting commissioning decisions, for research purposes and for any funding bids.  Sections include:

Our population - this section covers useful demographic information about the district, including information taken from the 2021 census and summaries  the overall population of the district.

Bradford District Public Health - any relevant locally produced Public Health resources can be found here.  These include needs assessments, intelligence bulletins, resource packs on different Public Health topics and other reports produced by the Public Health Department in Bradford District.

Locality profiles - profiles on any sub district (i.e. Area Committees, wards and Community Partnerships) data / intelligence.